Looking for ideas on adventure travel gear and outdoor equipment? Need a list of what to buy for your next outdoor adventure? Not sure what to purchase for your travel electronics? Search no more!
We all travel differently, and all have our preferences in what gear or device we can’t do without and why. After a year and a half traveling through Southeast Asia, and hundreds of trekking trips in the mountains and abroad, here are some of the adventure travel gear we came to appreciate and made our adventure trip better. We had a few pieces with us when we left, others we bought along the way. Note that we are backpackers at heart, so you won’t find any suitcase or travel hairdryer here. But camping gear, and functional clothes based on our own experience and travel style.
So if you are an adventure traveler or an outdoor enthusiast, or if you know someone like that, the adventure travel gear listed below will be excellent ideas for Christmas gift or birthday present.
You are looking for:
Travel Photography Gear
Essential Adventure Travel Gear
Patricia’s Backpacking Travel Clothing
Bruno’s Backpacking Clothes
Other Outdoor Backpacking Equipment
This post contains affiliate links, which means we receive a percentage if you make a purchase using these links at no cost to you. Our opinions on the gear listed below are our own and are not impacted by these affiliate links.
Top Travel Photography Gear
- Long-Lens Camera
- Sony camera: the best all-in-one compromise available for picture and video quality and zoom range. Click here to check the latest prices
- Memory cards: 2 of everything (one to store, one as backup).
Click on each product to find the latest deals: - Sony Batteries: 3 sets of batteries per camera, or enough to hold on a full day of continuous shooting for any major event. Click here to find the best prices
- Newmowa Battery chargers
- Movo Camera Holster: Helps fitting the camera on the backpack, so it’s always ready
- LowePro Camera Bag
- Filters: Especially great when trying to take photos under the strong tropical sun
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- Audio recording: From capturing the birds’ singing, the impromptu chorus of kids, or the traditional dance
- Zoom Stereo Microphone/Recorder
- Mic Cable Rode adapters and StarTech cables
- Movo Dead kitten: Just a furry windscreen cover for the mic, not really a dead kitten!
- Movo Shock mount for mic
- Sport Camera
perfect for all our activities, from snowboarding to diving.
- GoPro holsters and mounts. Click here to see the best prices
- Tripod
- MeFOTO Tripod: Quite light and packable, easy to transport and fit in the backpack. Serves as the occasional coat hanger. Find out here about the latest deals
- Attachment plates
- JOBY GorillaPod
which comes handy to tie up the GoPro to our hiking poles, or stabilize during the camera for more extended exposure and night shots.
iPhone as Altimeter
Top Essential Adventure Travel Gear
The list below is the must-have when traveling, but because we also are backpackers and trekkers, we have a full list of items – see next section for clothes and gear. hen you travel to explore different destinations, you need to add a few more essential travel items.
- Pack Converter and Cover: This Sea to Summit Pack Converter is terrific! From converting into a duffle that protects your back when traveling by airline or bus, it also acts as a rain cover when trekking. A must-have while traveling with a backpack. Click here to check the latest deals
- Sleeping accessories: Eagle Creek Earplugs & Sea to Summit eye-shade are a must-have! From allowing you to get some sleep in noisy buses or when sharing a dorm with snoring roommates, earplugs are a must, either foam or TYR silicon plugs. And if you are light-sleeper like me, an eye-shade will let you get some rest blocking out any light. Click here to check prices on Amazon | REI
- Small day backpack: Because we also carry lots of electronic gear, our Osprey Small day backpacks are about 30L to 40L. By no mean the smallest size, they allow us to have even a jacket, water bottle, in addition to that gear. Plus they make good overnight bags when we just go for a few days on road-tripping on a motorbike Amazon | REI
- Foldable backpack: These Sea to Summit foldable backpacks are handy for extra shopping capacity, stocking some food, or stashing dirty clothes. And weights nothing. Amazon | REI
- Packing Cubes: A discovery, well for us anyway. These Eagle Creek Packing Cubes have been great to help organize our clothes, easy to use and pack Amazon | REI
- Money belt: I prefer non-silk Eagle Creek money belt with an adjustable strap instead of an elastic band, so you adjust when it’s too hot and don’t want the belt too close to your body Amazon | REI
- Neck pouch: By no mean a replacement of the money belt, neck pouch comes very handy to just store your passport and a little money
- Dry Bags: Essential for adventure travelers, Sea to Summit Dry bags are great to keep your important documents and electronic gear dry. We recommend 30L to allow enough space for laptops and camera equipment.
- Luggage locks: Besides locking the bag for airlines and bus transportation, these TSA-approved luggage locks come handy to lock backpacks together with a cable on a train rail, hotel, etc., to avoid being stolen Amazon | REI
- Luggage tags: Useful as not all airlines provide with temporary cards
- Headlamps: More practical than flashlights, Petzl headlamps to keep our hands free while cooking at night or hiking to catch the sunrise. Amazon | REI
Water Filtration System
Patricia’s Travel Clothing
For our trekking gear, see here
Here is the list of my summer clothes
Bruno’s Backpacking Clothes
More on his trekking clothes
Other Outdoor Equipment
- Emergency kit: something similar to this package. Make sure you have a whistle, emergency blanket x 2, candle, waterproof matches, rope, lighter, compass, safety pins, Sharpy pen, pocket mirror, toe, and hand warmers
- “Bathroom”: deodorant, toothpaste, and toothbrush, eye drops to remove dust or help dry eyes from the sun, lip balm, hand cream, hand sanitizer, sunscreen, TP and GSI Sanitation Trowel.
- First aid kit. Amazon | REI Make sure to include sunscreen and mosquito repellent.
- Mosquito Net: Maybe not the first thing you think of when you back, but in case you don’t bring your tent in summer, a mosquito net can make or break your night. Also very handy when traveling in tropical countries! Amazon | REI
- Documents: IDs, $20 cash, Insurance card, US National Park card if relevant, topo map, trail description (also on iPhone)
We are constantly updating our packing list, and travel gear as new items, new features, new designs, and new products come up.
Stay tuned for more adventures
from our travel around the world!
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This post contains affiliate links, which means we receive a percentage if you make a purchase using these links – at no cost to you. Our opinions are our own and are not impacted by these partnerships.
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November 29, 2020 at 9:53 pm
Being married to a PCT thru hiker and long distance biker, gear is a hot topic at our house! Thanks for the info and tips! I have started wearing Darn Tough socks these days and advocate for them as my “camp” socks! Great Post!
December 1, 2020 at 4:52 am
I used to spend hours at REI checking new gear! Will have a look at these Darn Tough socks, keeping my feet warm is always a challenge.
August 29, 2019 at 11:08 am
Wow, this is such a huge list! Do you usually travel like this? (I mean, I get that people probably don’t pack all this stuff regularly, but I’m asking as a fellow travel blogger because you obviously need a lot of photo gear on most if not all of your trips.)
September 22, 2019 at 6:38 am
Since we have been on our round trip, our bags are our home, and they are on the heavy side. We do carry most of that list, though we sometimes leave a few things here and there. We did not take our tent during the first part of our trip and regretted so much that we bought a new one for the second part. And you are right, our photo equipment is heavy, and we keep adding to it with new gear all the time. That, and sports equipment on the top of that… Are you a travel photographer yourself? Which equipment couldn’t you do without?
July 1, 2019 at 7:07 am
Great article, I think the most important piece of gear for me personally would be socks, boots and waterproof jacket.
July 8, 2019 at 11:49 am
Boots and a waterproof jacket are definitely essential! Without them, any trekking trip can take a bad turn!
May 18, 2019 at 2:25 am
Wow Thanks for posting such a huge list most of them are very usefull
May 23, 2019 at 2:38 am
Glad to hear you found our post useful. Safe hiking!
May 13, 2019 at 8:08 pm
Thank you for posting this! I won’t be having a hard time of what to bring anymore.
May 16, 2019 at 1:01 pm
Glad you found our post useful. Happy hiking!
April 15, 2019 at 8:54 pm
Such a great list. Especially the solar panels. I am not an avid hiker, but I feel like I need this in my car just to have as a backup. I need to get a whistle for my emergency kit.
April 16, 2019 at 2:00 am
A whistle is always handy to have though it doesn’t take much space, and something we easily forgo.
April 4, 2019 at 5:51 am
This is the best list that I got over the internet. It can be also used in camping and backpacking.
April 9, 2019 at 7:35 am
Indeed, most of these gear can be used for either a day hike or for camping and backpacking. Most of these items are pretty versatile.
March 20, 2019 at 1:41 am
Thanks for sharing the awesome ideas on adventure travel gear and outdoor equipment. You share the nice information about every section but I like most your Top Camping Gear section. I like your Water Filtration because we do not carry ample amount of water while traveling that’s why we need water filtration. Thanks for sharing the nice ideas.
March 20, 2019 at 10:53 am
Thank you for your feedback. Indeed, water filtration is key. Even traveling in cities abroad, we use water filters. So important! I got Giardia once in Nepal because of unfiltered water – will do my best to prevent it to happen again!
January 10, 2019 at 6:32 am
I think this is a great article because many people (both children and adults) carelessly spend their money on whatever that can afford to buy, whilst having no money left for what they actually need.
January 17, 2019 at 3:46 am
Indeed, especially when it comes to travel and trekking gear. Lots of fancy equipment. We are careful with our spendings but spending on the right equipment is key, even more so for safety purposes.
February 18, 2018 at 11:37 pm
Really glad to read this topic on this blog.. It is really a good place for every travelers who is keen to going on the mountains with family or friends.. Such beautiful written article is this about the outdoor travel gears.. And right tips for choosing right gear.. I appreciate all of you guys hope soon we will read more informative article. Thanks!!!
February 19, 2018 at 4:03 am
Happy to help! Finding the right gear takes time and it’s always great to read reviews and tips from fellow backpackers and outdoor enthusiasts!
December 29, 2017 at 10:29 am
Hi, Patricia! This is an amazing list! It can be really challenging to make right choices with a gear when there/s so many things out there. A list so detailed like this can be really helpful and a lifesaver, actually. I was wondering, is there any brand ar peace of gear that you had a bad experience with?
December 31, 2017 at 3:52 am
It is challenging to find the right piece of gear. I spent quite a fair amount researching each item, but then whether it fits you or whether it works for one’particular travel style is another story. I don’t recall having a bad experience with any specific gear or brand. No brand is every perfect so here and there, you might get an issue with one item. Fingers’ crossed, it will stay that way! What about you? Any specific brand you like?
December 22, 2017 at 12:16 pm
Great Post! It’s amazing that you can fit all of that equipment in a backpack!
December 22, 2017 at 8:12 pm
It does, surprisingly, though we can’t say we travel light… We have a short time-lapse video on our YouTube channel that shows the whole gear and how we managed to fit it all in our bags!
December 29, 2017 at 4:00 pm
That is awesome! I especially love the music associated with that video! Well done!
December 29, 2017 at 5:15 pm
Lol! Glad you liked it! Yes, Bruno had a great time putting this together
How is your own backpack? Any specific piece of gear you can’t travel without? Or that is on your wishlist?